A HUNT in Wiltshire has welcomed a new litter of puppies. 

The Tedworth Hunt puppies are staying with local families for a few weeks while they are young, and they will return to kennels to join the trail hunting pack when they are old enough. 

Nicola Simpson, joint master of the hunt, is looking after two puppies - Fencer and Fearless - at their farm in the north of Wiltshire. 

“With my four children to play with, Fencer and Fearless have had non-stop entertainment," said Nicola.

"We find that the puppies thrive on a routine which involves three meals a day and three walks a day with lots of new experiences. On our farm we have woods and a couple of ponds so there is plenty of adventure, and different environments for them to explore.

“Fearless has just had his first swim (at 15 weeks) which is very brave – living up to his name! They have seen deer and other wildlife and it is helpful that they learn not to chase them at a young age. Our old black Labrador is useful as a mentor to the puppies.

“The puppies have learnt their names, will sit for a treat and will return when they are called. Titbits are essential in their training!”

The puppies were born on February 6. Their mother is Tedworth Foxglove and their father is Tedworth Smasher. At the farm, they spend night time in a stable, with horses in the next stall, and in the day they have the run of a secure pen with a kennel. 

Nicola added: "The puppies will return to kennels in August. It is very sad when they go back but we know we have done as much as we can to make their early months as fun as possible, and we will continue to see them at kennels and out trail hunting in the future.

"We are just one of many families who have walked puppies for the Tedworth, and we feel very privileged to have been asked.”

The Tedworth Hunt is a trail hunting pack, which means that no wild animal is pursued by the Hunt, but instead the hounds follow a scent trail. Trail hunting allows the traditions of hunting to continue, in full compliance with the Hunting Act 2004.