A COLLEGE in Wiltshire is hosting a careers fair next month. 

Wiltshire College & University Centre is holding a land based trade show and careers fair at the Lackham campus on Monday, June 17, from 11am until 3pm. 

The event will bring together employers, industry and educators to showcase the wide range of career options in the land based sector. Information about further and higher education courses, apprenticeships and other training opportunities will also be available. 

A number of industry-leading suppliers and organisations are registered to attend, including Lantra, Forestry England, Westonbirt Arboretum, Hillier Nurseries and industry equipment manufacturers Kersten Maintenance Equipment.

WCUC is inviting schools and visitors to attend the careers fair. The event is free, but you must register here

Victoria Fiander, assessor in horticulture at Lackham and event organiser, said: “We’re delighted to once again be able to host our trade show and careers fair at Lackham to showcase the vast opportunities available within various land based industries. The previous trade shows were very well received by exhibitors and attendees, and we’re pleased so many organisations have agreed to take part again this year.

“As a training provider of a wide range of land based qualifications, collaboration with industry is essential to ensure learners are in alignment with current industry ideas and solutions. This enables us to train our students to industry standards, provide demonstration of best practice and gives added value to employers looking for a highly-skilled workforce that can respond to future challenges.”