A WOMEN in Dairy group took a visit to see some water buffalo earlier this month. 

Somerset Women in Dairy headed to West Country Water Buffalo in Chilthorne Domer on Wednesday, May 8. 

They took part in a farm walk and learnt all about the water buffalo on the farm. The farm currently includes a milking herd and a suckler herd. 

Mary-Kate Foster, a facilitator for Somerset Women in Dairy, said: "Huge thanks to the Buffalicious team for showing us their wonderful farm and to Karen and Trevor from Crediton Milling Company for organising and keeping us all refreshed.

"There are currently 28 cows in milk that take 2.5 hours to milk! They are milked once a day to prevent milk taint. Whilst most people assume buffalo are similar to cows it couldn't be further from the truth. They are incredibly stubborn and intelligent. If they don't want to let down their milk they simply won't.

South West Farmer:

"Buffalo will have you sussed and decide if they like you or not before they necessarily see you. If they don't want to do something, then you just as well give up because they won't do it. One TB test took a while when the buffalo decided to just lie down...

"The team described them as a cross between bulls and sheep. If they want to get out, they will, nothing will stop them. They are also incredibly fussy with their food, preferring old grass leys to new and they like their cake on the stale side. We rounded the farm walk off with a trip to the farm shop for some delicious buffalo burgers - and some delicious cakes too!

"It was incredible the number of products the farm produce from, milk, cheese and ice cream to skincare and meat as well. A true meaning of using every bit of the animal."

The Buffalicious team are hosting a Buff Food Fest from 11am until 5pm on Saturday (May 18). The event will include music, food tasting and a chance to meet the water buffalo.