‘A united effort’ by Sidbury residents made the annual village fair a success for locals and visitors alike.

The traditional fair ran from Saturday, September 9 until Sunday 17, with a variety of events and entertainment including a livestock auction, craft fair, horticultural show, hot pennies, a fun run and a Country Clay Shoot.

South West Farmer: Auction at Sidbury Fair

Sue Gooding from the organising committee said: “We were all delighted that it went so well, despite the weather not being quite as good as hoped.

“Many people have fed back to us how very much they enjoyed the fair and all the things going on, and commented on what a wonderful village atmosphere it had.

“The fair has evolved over the years and moving the day to a Saturday and the new location at the field in Church Street for the auction and field events has proved a great success.

“Many people from the village have helped in different ways and the whole week has been a united effort.

“It is particularly heartening that younger people are coming forward to take over the organisation of many events.”

South West Farmer: Susan Pratt with her winning flower arrangement

At the horticultural show Susan Pratt won first prize in the 'Flowers in a Jam Jar' category.

She said:  “I'm delighted. I've had a cuttings garden at our B&B and we've had lovely flowers this year. This particular bouquet is mostly dahlias and cosmos.”

South West Farmer:

The horticultural show’s chief organiser Gwynanne Paewari said: “The response and standard of entries has been outstanding. It's been a lovely opportunity to bring the community together.”

South West Farmer: Richard Spiteri of the Red Lion

Richard Spiteri, landlord of the Red Lion in Sidbury, manned the bar at the Fair.

He said: “It's one of the biggest days of the year for the village and you can look around and see how much work has gone into organising it. Sidbury Fair has been held for hundreds of years and it's great to be part of keeping our history going.”

South West Farmer: Simon Jupp MP at Sidbury Fair

Simon Jupp, MP for East Devon attended the event and said: “The damp weather didn't dampen spirits at this community event. I enjoyed looking round St Giles church, the craft fair and stalls and checking out the auction and talking to residents. I was very impressed by the scarecrows too!”

South West Farmer: Charlie and Max Parsons

Katie Parsons was at the event with her family, including sons Charlie and Max. Katie said: “It's a lovely event with lots for the children to do. They've enjoyed sitting on the tractor and we're looking forward to visiting the animals such as the alpacas and miniature ponies.”

South West Farmer: One of Sidbury Fair's scarecrows