Established in 1978 in Borris, Co. Carlow, KEENAN is a respected leader in ethical and profitable farming solutions, focused on maximising feed efficiency. Over the course of four decades in business, KEENAN has earned a particularly strong reputation for manufacturing quality diet feeders.

Unprecedented increases in farm input prices, mainly feed, fertiliser and energy, have created a lot of concern for farmers. Predictions made early in the year have been further revised due to the conflict in Ukraine and its financial and supply repercussions. However, while farmers are worried, KEENAN believes that there are reasons to be optimistic too. There are many ways that farmers can increase productivity and efficiencies on-farm, while meeting their sustainability objectives.

Focus on feed efficiency is vital

At KEENAN, the focus is very much on feed efficiency, and while this is defined as the kilograms of milk or meat produced per kilogram of intake, feed efficiency can begin long before it reaches the animal’s mouth. How the feed grown and purchased is utilised to produce the most high-value product is essential. A recent survey of UK farms by Alltech showed that for every £3 spent on feed, £1 was wasted through field, storage, feeding/feed-out and feed efficiency losses. Tackling feed efficiency and utilisation is a crucial starting point to help reduce emissions and drive productivity and margin.

First-time KEENAN users can gain £30,800 in their first year

KEENAN offers a combination of precision engineering, technology and advisory nutrition support to drive feed efficiency and utilisation on-farm. With all investment, there needs to be a return, and first-time users of KEENAN technology increased their feed efficiency by 11% through improved productivity and reduced feed costs, resulting in an extra £308 per cow per year (£30,800* for a herd of 100 cows).

*Based on milk price of 40p/litre.

All adoptions of technology take on some complexity, and the InTouch nutrition service is there to guide farmers along the way. The service shows farmers how to use the technology and advises on management best practices to get the most from the system. With all new technologies, there also comes a fear of having to change systems. This is not the case, as most customers continue to maximise grazed grass intake with similar levels of supplementation. Supplementation may be utilised differently, and there is a greater focus on maximising home-grown forages.

Accuracy is key

Accuracy of mixing and the precise delivery of what the cows need are key features of KEENAN through its first-class engineering, in addition to the KEENAN controller guiding the operator through the correct loading sequence. This is the cornerstone of any profitable system. Results from InTouch for over 1,200 farms show that the top farms can load their mixer with 0.3% accuracy, with each further 1% inaccuracy costing the average farm over £2,500. Some farms showed 20% inaccuracy, potentially costing £60,000 per annum.

South West Farmer: Adam HanrattyAdam Hanratty (Image: Adam Hanratty)

KEENAN’s Regional Business Manager for the Southwest is Adam Hanratty. Adam can be contacted on (07864) 691226.