YET more evidence has been revealed this month about the benefits of dairy products in the diet.

This time the study was undertaken by the US Journal of Physical Activity and Health Support. This is an independent journal aimed at the promotion of a healthy diet and lifestyle.

The study, which encouraged the consumption of dairy products as part of its dietary regime found that it achieved reductions in body weight, waistline and blood pressure of most of its participants. The report was a 16-week study targeting certain sections of the population that were believed to be unhealthy. In general the study encouraged better eating habits, physical activity and positive thinking.

Dr Judith Bryans, director of the Dairy Council said: "We are encouraged by the results of this study as it further increases the scientific body of evidence that low-fat dairy foods can help people achieve and maintain a healthy weight."

In January the British government published a document called "Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives," which said that over two-thirds of British adults are already overweight. It is very clear that the wholesome, nutitious milk, produced by British dairy farmers is a way of combating this serious problem. We should never shirk from telling everyone this fact!

Within the WFU we have an extremely interesting year of events ahead of us and nearer the time we will be announcing these events in the South West Farmer and elsewhere. We are always on the look-out for members and if you share our passion for British food we would be delighted to hear from you.

Anyone who would like more information should call the group's secretary Ann Cross on 01398 361212.