One farm on The Lizard swapped plants for burying pants when it was visited by a group of school children this week.

A class from Mullion Primary School have been learning all about food and farming, and as part of this the Shells Class pupils visited Tregullas Farm at The Lizard to find out more.

The children held the baby lambs, and also were able to feed them. They also learned all about tractors.

It was then time to learn about healthy soil – which was demonstrated to the youngsters in a rather unusual way.

After checking out the worms and bugs in the soil, they buried some very large cotton pants, as part of a nationwide experiment to see how healthy soil breaks down the natural cotton in the pants.


Rona Amiss of Tregullas Farm digs into the soil to bury the pants

Rona Amiss of Tregullas Farm digs into the soil to bury the pants


There has been lots of interest on social media about planting your pants, and farmers and schools all over the UK have been checking how healthy their soil is, and how quickly the pants disappear.

The children will return to the farm just before Open Farm Sunday – which this year will see Tregullas opening its gates to visitors on June 19 – to dig up the pants and see what has happened to them.

This spring more than 200 children from around the Lizard and Falmouth have visited Tregullas Farm to hold a lamb and explore the countryside.