A Somerset farm has secured world-class certification for its animal welfare.

The beef cattle and sheep at Fernhill Farm at Compton Martin near Bristol are now 'Certified Animal Welfare Approved by A Greener World' (AGW), 'Certified Grassfed by AGW' and 'Certified Non-GMO by AGW'.

Andy Wear and Jen Hunter raise their beef cattle and sheep in a low-stress environment and outdoors on well-managed pastures at Fernhill Farm, on the top of the Mendip Hills at the heart of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Their farming practices are not only better for the animals, but also for the wider environment.

The cattle and sheep are rotationally managed, grazing one area of species-rich pasture before being moved to a fresh paddock.

This allows pasture to recover before the animals return to graze again. It also minimises the build-up of internal parasites, thereby avoiding reliance on chemical treatments.

A Greener World UK executive director Wayne Copp said: "We are thrilled to partner with Fernhill Farm in celebrating their farm, and our growing family of farms in the UK and Europe.

"It has never been more critical for farmers to be fully understood by consumers, and we are honoured to support this though an uncomplicated, independent and credible certification marque that can be trusted to mean what is says on that label: Grassfed. Animal welfare approved. Non-GMO.

"What Fernhill Farm has achieved is nothing short of an inspiration for all forward-thinking UK producers."

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The 'Certified Animal Welfare Approved (AWA) by AGW' label verifies that animals are raised outdoors on pasture or range in accordance with world-renowned welfare standards using sustainable agriculture methods on an independent farm.

'Certified Grassfed by AGW' and 'Certified Non-GMO by AGW' are optional, additional accreditations for 'Certified Animal Welfare Approved by AGW' farmers.

The grassfed label requires a 100 per cent grassfed feeding protocol, country of origin labelling, supply chain traceability and independently recognised welfare certification.

The non-GMO label guarantees that a food product is produced without the use of genetically modified feed, supplements or ingredients and it is the only non-GMO label to require pasture and range for livestock.

With the growing disconnect of consumers from the source of their food - and increasing demand for meaningful welfare standards - Fernhill Farm wanted third-party validation to demonstrate its welfare and environmental practices to a market hungry for information about meat products.