Following an enthusiastic response to the first ever Every Flower Counts over the May Bank Holiday weekend, Plantlife is teaming up with BBC Gardeners’ World for a special repeat of the survey over the weekend of Friday, July 12 to Sunday, July 14.

This time more summer-flowering species are being included such as white clover, selfheal and lady’s bedstraw. Common knapweed has laso been added to the list as it is flowering now and is especially rich in nectar.

The survey is simple. During the weekend of July 12 to 14, simply throw a ball onto your lawn to find a random spot, mark out a 1-metre square quadrat, and then count the number of open flowers you find.

If you have a large lawn, you can count several metre-square quadrats.

When you then enter your results onto the Plantlife website you are given a Personal Nectar Score showing you how much nectar your lawn is producing and how many bees it is supporting.

You can do the survey on your mown lawn, or on areas of lawn you might have left unmown to grow as a mini-meadow.

All of the results are then combined to produce a National Nectar Score.