The Country Landowners Association has told the Environmental Audit Select Committee that HS2 Ltd had missed the opportunity to deliver a better environment.

The organisation said HS2’s reluctance to consult with landowners over delivering, managing and maintaining new habitats will hinder the environment.

CLA President Henry Robinson said: “HS2 Ltd aims to carry out the project with no net loss to the environment, yet the company has failed to consult with the landowners who currently manage it.

“It is simply not good enough to compulsory purchase land arbitrarily in the vain hope that a good habitat will result where market solutions may be available.

“HS2 needs to engage with landowners to look for opportunities to establish the best sites for biodiversity offsetting, which may be  away from the railway corridor, and on less productive land in locations that impact on agricultural and other businesses to a lesser degree.”

The CLA said detailed plans must be in place to show how this habitat will be established, maintained, monitored and paid for. If the habitat were really well managed, then less land would need to be acquired

Mr Robinson added: “Landowners need to be consulted now to ensure the best management options for this replacement are considered, not after swathes of additional land have been compulsory purchased without a proper plan.”