Brand new chemistry to tackle foliar and stem blight in UK and Irish potato crops has been approved.

A fungicide called Zorvec Enicade made by DowDuPont has shown strong performance in domestic trials and has delivered robust control across three continents where it is already available to growers.

The product delivers 10-day persistence following application, which is three days more than current practice permits with other blight fungicides.

Protective and curative, with demonstrable movement into new growth, the new fungicide's greatest benefit may be gained from targeting the crop’s rapid growth stage.

Sprayed at the start of the rapid growth phase, the molecule sticks to the wax layer of both stem and leaf offering 10-day persistence in control. It binds quickly and moves within the plant as it extends, protecting new leaves and stems.

Craig Chisholm, UK field technical manager for DowDuPont, said: “Spray intervals of up to 10 days will be something new for growers to consider but we feel they will immediately see the benefit of added flexibility, plus the opportunity to reduce one spray pass when this 10-day strength is utilised in a spray block."

Zorvec Enicade is suitable for use in both ware and seed crops across all varieties but is expected to appeal most for use in crops with an indeterminate growth habit or destined for long-term storage.

“By ensuring no infection is sporulating under your crop canopy – achieved with back-to-back sprays at the rapid growth stage – blight pressure over the rest of the programme will be greatly reduced and you still have one or two Zorvec sprays in reserve,” Mr Chisholm added.

The new fungicide is supplied with a partner fungicide which has a different mode of action – an essential component in an anti-resistance strategy developed to protect this revolutionary chemistry long term.