THE 2023 Family Run Farm of the Year winner is the Darke family, from Coleridge Farm in Devon.

There are four generations actively farming, and the focus is mainly on dairy with a small flock of pedigree sheep.

The farm also has a milk vending machine and they provide milk to the local school and to businesses who buy straight from the farm.

Upon receiving the award, the family said: “We were completely gobsmacked and extremely proud to even win the Family Run Farm.”

The Darke family have also started selling their own beef, pork and lamb through their vending shed.

The farm is very self sufficient and has its own water supply, and feeds more of its own feed to their cattle.

They are also hoping to generate all their own electricity thanks to the installation of solar panels and wind turbines.

“We have also planted a new orchard on the farm to create a fruit orchard of apples, plums, cherries, and pears,” the Darke family said.

“This will also help our birds and insects.

“We have put up owl, bird, and bat boxes across the farm.

“We are about to incorporate herbal ley to improve drought resistance and reduce fertiliser input.”

There are walks for the general public and groups, and the family also open the farm to educate the public about where food comes from and how it works.

“We also encourage walking on the footpaths with free parking in our vending machine car park and educational signs are dotted around the farm also,” the family added.