When reviewing your utility costs, don’t forget water; as the production of milk requires it in large quantities it has a significant impact on the production cost. It can also affect the environment if this valuable resource is poorly managed. The revised DairyCo booklet, ‘Efficient use of water on dairy farms’ identifies areas where water and money can be saved.

Kate Cross, DairyCo senior product manager said; “Data shows that on the average dairy farm, the cost for mains water is £41/cow/year. On some farms, this is significantly higher, with the most extreme rising to over £270/cow/year. The potential to increase reused water and reduce the amount of rainwater entering slurry storage systems is something many farms can investigate to some degree.

“Similarly, if looking at alternative sources of water, such as rainwater capture, it is important to know the water quality and its ultimate use. It should not be forgotten that even when using low-cost water supplies, such as own springs, there is still a wastewater disposal cost to factor into the calculation.”

The booklet is available for download from the DairyCo website at www.dairyco.org.uk